
Thursday, July 18, 2013

An Incisive Look At Reliable Tips To Stop Pigeons From Taking Over Your Wild Bird Feeder

By Debra Garrison

A wild bird feeder in your backyard is supposed to help attract a wide array of local birds for the avid birdwatcher. It is therefore a big disappointment if all you manage to attract are large flocks of pigeons on a daily basis. To stop these pesky and voracious feeders from ruining your plans, here are some handy tips to keep them away.

Anyone with a clue about the feeding behavior of pigeons will know that they cannot resist feeding from off the ground, especially in parks and city benches. With this in mind, all you need to do is raise your feeder some few feet above the ground and the pigeons will be none the wiser that there is some grub to grab in your backyard. Feeders located higher up are however irresistible to songbirds.

Some pigeons are too clever to figure out that the feeders have just been raised above the ground and can start the vicious cycle all over again. To ensure that your feeders are completely pigeon-proof, ensure that your feeders are hanging and swinging if a large weight is added. Even more effective is to ensure that the perches are much smaller to support only light birds such as hoppers and finches.

Your plans to keep pigeons of your feeders will fail spectacularly if the area is kept messy with spilled seed all over the place. Maintaining cleanliness around the feeder also helps in keeping disease and infections from the birds which frequent your backyard. Ensure that any seed which falls off is picked up and any other material swept off at least twice a day.

The type of bird seed mixes you use will determine if your feeders attract pigeons or not. Those people who add black oil sunflower seed mixes find that their feeders attract plenty of songbirds who cannot resist the high protein meal. However, if you go for bird seed mixes with plenty of oats, millet or corn; you won't be able to keep the pigeons off your backyard.

If you want a quick fix, you may go for some electronic gadgets which are marketed as effective in keeping pigeons off your yard. The devices emit a screeching noise which apparently scares pigeons but not songbirds. However, the device may prove an unwelcome polluter in your garden and there are claims that it may not work most of the time.

Some savvy bird lovers do not go for solutions aimed at scaring pigeons away. All they do is make the food inaccessible to the unwelcome birds by having the feeding trays caged with an appropriate wire mesh. The mesh should have spaces that are just wide enough to let in small songbirds while keeping out those with heftier body sizes such as pigeons.

The benefits of having an effective wild bird feeder in the back garden cannot be overemphasized in the eyes of an avid bird watcher. However, it can be frustrating if all the feeder manages to attract are voracious and messy pigeons. To preclude such a turn of events, use the tips outlined here to serve as pigeon deterrents.

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