
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Increase Your Credit Score Now

By Trevor Weir

Suppose we told you that there was a definitive and easy way to increase your credit score? Many college kids answered that the way to increase your credit score was to simply pay off all your bills in a timely fashion. Home owners mentioned that to do so was to pay the mortgage on time and to work on removing bad references from the credit records.

So, the question is, Can the credit card score be improved and most people would answer simply pay your bills on time and there should be nothing to worry about. Everyone it seems has an opinion on this. Some said that constantly asking the credit agency to respond to specified issues in your report within a period of time specified by law could or might result in the credit agency making a mistake and the issue in question being cleared - largely based on a technicality. Enough people mentioned this tactic, so it appears that as unorthodox as this method may seem, there may be some validity in some jurisdictions.

As mentioned above, most people simply answered "pay your bills on time and your credit rating will be excellent". We counter that paying your bills on time is fact expected and that this can give you an average credit rating of 5-700. But is this "pay your bills" thought really true? We are going to name this as myth number 1 and look more closely at it here. Loan institutions absolutely adore customers whom pay off their bills on time every month? We calculate stupendous bank profits in that model, right? The truth is, loan institutions and other lenders including the mafia are in absolute love with people who maintain a nice healthy balance that they can get charged interest on.

Ok, myth-ism number 2. Banks and Loan Sharks love people who borrow as much as possible. Really? If this were the case, people who couldn't repay loans would get huge amounts of credit and constantly end up in repayment problems. Do I hear echoes of a well known mortgage problem in here? So perhaps this isn't 100% of the answer either.

Perhaps the answer lies somewhere in between. Loan institutions love clients who pay something on their bills each month ( preferably just the interest and a little more ) and whom appear to have the ongoing ability to manage/to pay down on the debt load. I.e. Fifty thousand in available personal credit, 22,000 used already.

The key phrase here being "ongoing ability " and "debt ratio". Ongoing ability is why some older retired persons with otherwise good credit may sometimes have difficulty refinancing longer term loans. They are looked at as not having jobs per se and therefore while their credit may be good the ongoing ability (income) aspect might be perceived as being weak.

Under this scenario, best Candidates are not just those without payment defaults, such a person who can still get to 650 on the credit score, but those few lucky individuals who can pop an 800 or more. So the key issue for those looking to increase their credit scores from perhaps a low 600 to a high 800 depends more on other factors.

Chief amongst those other factors is the DEBT RATIO. If you want to have a credit score above 800 then you must have a debt ratio that is loved by the lending institution.

Who then are the loan arrangers really searching for? That would be the gentle person with a credit to debt ratio which is not only low, meaning they have room to increase it, but someone who also has shown the long term ability to handle an ongoing balance. Come to the site and view the Credit Score Video then make a few quick changes to fix your score. Is 48 hours too long?

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